Mamaearth Blog

Hair Care

Hair Care

Use Happy Heads Shampoo for Healthy Mane

Post Partum period truly gets on the nerves of new moms. First, for they have to be on toes nursing their little one and second, they have to take care of their own health, and body. Hair falls a lot in this phase and brings a lot of stress to new mom’s health. It is [...]
how to stop hair loss and grow hair naturally
Hair Care

Onion Hair Care Regimen

The humble onion, a pantry staple, has acquired superstar status in the hair care world, thanks to its immense hair-friendly benefits.
what does serum do for hair
Hair Care

What Does Serum Do for Hair

Hair serum is a clear, silicone-based liquid that usually comes in a bottle with a pump. It forms a protective layer on the hair, solving many common hair problems.
Tips for Hair Care During Pregnancy
Hair Care

Revealed: Tips for Hair Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy – the amazingly beautiful phase in a woman’s life when all she feels is love for her to be born child. It’s an overwhelming and joyful time of her life that she holds dear to her heart, forsaking the pains that come with it.
Woman with Damaged Hair
Hair Care

Damaged Hair? Consider This a Rescue Operation

Damaged hair is one of the most common hair problems that most of us face. Your hair begins to feel lifeless, brittle, dull, frizzy, and hair fall is more than ever. Read this and start a rescue operation for your hair!
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