“Awwww! You made me my favourite breakfast? Awwww!” I said to A, my husband. I was so happy to see the sunny side up he had lovingly made for me. I tasted it and next moment I was in tears because the salt was more! He was speechless. Poor guy was walking on eggshells when he was around me the last few days. The seventh month of my pregnancy and I was turning into a pregzilla! Sounds familiar?

I know it’s not your fault ladies, it’s the hormones wreaking havoc in your last trimester but there are about a dozen ways you can beat them with these entertainment options:

I, Myself and Me: the best company!

  1. Reading: Read a good book: preferably soul food or comedy. Or classics, which never fail. You can also spend some time reading your favourite blogs or websites. Slip in some reading about parenting while you’re at it, like the legendary Dr. Spock’s book, so you can feel you’re getting some homework done too!
  2. Watching comedy: Comedy movies (Chick flick or romantic comedies) and sitcoms (FRIENDS/SEINFELD) which make you laugh out loud can be excellent for you when you are feeling a bit low.
  3. Journaling: Many women find keeping a journal on their mood swings or events around labour, cathartic. You can also record baby movements, any interesting events, preferred baby names in this.
  4. Get a pedicure/at-home foot soak: Your feet take the most beating in your third trimester. It’s now time to pamper them a bit. Studies have shown that just a 10-minute soak can do wonders to relieve stress, anxiety, and improve circulation. You can get it done at a spa, or at home? Epsom salt, essential oils, and lovely warm water can do wonders for your tired feet.

Don’t agree? Then some fun activities with your BFFs or Partner!

  1. Retail therapy: For women, there’s no greater joy than shopping. Pretty things in different shapes, sizes and colours. Baby clothes, maternity clothes, accessories, baby essentials (Check out the MamaEarth Product Section for amazing non-toxic products to pamper you and your little one to come), shoes, handbags, Oh, the possibilities are endless. If you are not feeling up to it and don’t want to actually hit the mall, you can do it online in the comfort of your home. It’s bound to lift your mood
  2. Date night: Dress up (like a diva with hair, makeup, accessories) and go on a date night with your hubby dearest. Nothing like a nice relaxing meal, movie, great conversation with hubby to bust your stress
  3. Call your family: Chatting with your mom/sis who’ve probably gone through it all and will understand exactly how you are feeling can be a great way to
  4. Pajama party: You are anyway having trouble sleeping, why not have an all-nighter heart-to-heart with your BFFs? Order pizzas, watch a chick flick, gossip. It’s a surefire winner
  5. Potluck dinner: Plan a potluck dinner, if planning is your thing. If not, let one of your friends take the lead. You can decide/divide the menu. That way you don’t stress yourself out too much cooking too many things have a variety of dishes and great company
  6. Yoga class: If you haven’t already, join a prenatal yoga class (after checking with your doc). It’s a fun workout to keep fit and get your energy levels up plus nothing can compare with all the tales you hear from other pregnant women. When I was in my weekly prenatal class with ladies in different pregnancy stages, the highlight used to be getting to know which lady delivered during the week and the associated labour gossip from their friends/acquaintances
  7. Puzzles/Games: Board games/word games/ Crossword puzzles either actual or online are another wonderful way to pass time, with your partner, friends or older kids.
  8. Get a spa/salon treatment: Get a trendy haircut/ hair treatment/a relaxing spa which will soothe your frazzled nerves. A great haircut makes you smile for days on end and the compliments don’t hurt as well.

Good luck with your labour, ladies and remember, just breeeeathe! Image credits: Marie Charlotte, Copyright info (c) Marie Charlotte Yao/Macha.Me